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Etat Content Moderation Associate – German

Firma: COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS POLAND SP Z O O miejsce pracy: Ireland, Dublin

Content Moderation Associate – German
Ireland, Dublin

We are looking for bilingual candidates (English + German), preferably graduates in any discipline, ideally with some experience in a customer service or content review position in a process-driven environment.

Fresh graduates will also be considered.

Key success factors in this position are adaptability and flexibility, ability to focus on relatively repetitive tasks at a computer, good communication skills, an ability to make independent judgement and a problem-solving nature.

To be successful in this role, you will also need to have a very solid knowledge and understanding of the country where your language is spoken. This knowledge should cover geography of the country (road network, administrative boundaries, natural features, urban areas), culture, values and behaviors. Typically, anyone who has lived in a particular country for a number of years would possess this knowledge.

At least upper intermediate English and full fluency in German language are required.

The focus of the role will be to:
  • Make decisions as to what course of action needs to be taken to ensure correct information is displayed. Examples of corrective measures will include calling up a B2B customer to verify information and additional online research.
  • Make outbound phone contact with clients in a courteous, professional and efficient manner. There is no selling involved in this position however a substantial amount of phone calls are required with a purpose of obtaining information.
  • Process and raise required requests/transactions and make sound decisions related to customer requirements.
  • Follow all compliance and security measures relating to client data.
  • Take action on process transactions and handle the same with proper research.
  • Adhere to process quality metrics and strive to exceed the monthly quality & productivity targets.
  • Adhere to process norms and structure.
  • Adapt to a fast-paced environment with frequent business updates.
Our Benefits include:
  • PMI Private Medical Insurance
  • Competitive maternity benefits of 12 weeks paid Leave
  • Permanent contract
  • Life assurance

We offer interesting work onsite a globally admired technology company, an attractive compensation package, valuable training and career progression opportunities across the globe.

Interested? Then please apply online.

In case our offer does not suit your needs, fell free to send it to interested acquaintances or friends!

Prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli: Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 r. o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity Dz. U. z 2016 r. poz. 922 z późn. zm. ). Jednocześnie oświadczam, że zostałem/am poinformowany/a o dobrowolności podania danych osobowych oraz prawie dostępu do treści swoich danych i ich poprawiania.
C h

Etat Process Analyst with Polish - Risk and Compliance w firmie: COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS POLAND SP Z O O miejsce pracy: Dublin 01-10-2021
Etat Process Analyst with Polish - Risk and Compliance w firmie: COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS POLAND SP Z O O miejsce pracy: Dublin 01-09-2021
Etat Support Personnel - German w firmie: COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS POLAND SP Z O O miejsce pracy: Ireland, Dublin 21-06-2021
Etat Content Moderation Associate - French w firmie: COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS POLAND SP Z O O miejsce pracy: Dublin - Ireland 20-05-2021

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Data dodania: 21-06-2021
Wyświetleń: 682